Do's and Dont's
Ask Questions. No questions are silly questions. We are here to help you through your journey.
Rest if you are tired
Drink lots of water
Enjoy a glass of wine or beer (in moderation of course!)
Eat a health diet (lots of protein, fruit and vegetables)
There is no "special diet​" for chemotherapy patients. If you are having trouble eating because of nausea or poor appetite, try protein supplements (Sustagen, Resource, Prosure). Many are available at the supermarket and pharmacies. You can also ask to see the hospital dietician.
Ask about Financial support available to you
Their are many options such as accessing your superannuation and government supports such as carer's pensions, sickness and disability pensions. The social work​ and\or cancer support nurse can point you in the right direction.
Keep a diary. This will help you keep track of your appointments, blood tests and scans. It will also help you record any symptom you have and what medications you took. The dairy can then be shared with your doctor.
Hug, Kiss and be intimate with your partner. There is no danger to others when you are having chemotherapy. Such contact will help you and your loved ones in this stressful time.
Stay mentally positive
- Let your family and friends support you. Include them in the treatment sessions. It takes the burden off you and lets them feel helpful when they otherwise feel powerless.
Allow yourself cry, scream and be angry. Then look forward to keeping strong.
Try to stay active and enjoy life. Maintain your hobbies and interests. Your treatment is about maximising health and life.
Discuss any alternative/complimentary treatments you are considering. The doctors are happy to discuss these approaches to your treatment.
Stop doing things you enjoy
Let your questions or concerns go unanswered. There are no "silly" questions. Information is very important to help you with your treatment.
Compare your treatment with others. It's ok to talk about your treatment with other patients BUT everyone's cancer is different and your treatment program is individual to you and your needs. Ask your doctor if concerns arise.
Feel shame or embarrassment in the community. You are being very brave and should have people's respect. Some people are fearful and ignorant when it comes to cancer and thy don't know what to say. You can help them if you talk openly and behave the way you always would.
Feel that there is a cancer epidemic. You will be more sensitive to media and new "cures". This is normal and if you have questions please feel free to discuss them with your treating doctor.
Don't forget you are not alone and you are not the only person going through what you are feeling. The nurses and local support groups can help you talk about how to cope. The cancer council help line is also an invaluable resource.
Lose hope. No matter what stage of your treatment you are in, your treatment team are all working hard to hep you. We don't give up and neither should you!
PH: 03 55634211
FAX: 03 55634217
SWRCC, 28-30 Ryot Street, Level 1